Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"You don't touch me. Ever."

Title: Gabe backstory
Author(s): Gabe Yazimoto
Character(s): Gabe, Will
Timeline: A couple years back
Canon: Yes
Warnings: Mild violence and profanity

Much like a wooden chopstick, the bones of the human body will bend under pressure. The ulna and the radius, the major bones of the lower arm, lay parallel and apart, even at the most awkward of normal, voluntary movements. You turn your hand and the bones shift, crossing each other, but always at a distance. They are both connected to the carpals, the small bones comprising the wrist.

If you twist the lower arm beyond the natural capability of the muscles, you begin to exert strain on both ulna and radius, as well as the carpals. The bones will start to bend, putting pressure on sinew and tendons, both at the wrist and at the elbow. The elasticity of the bones will endure such abuse up to a certain point, until the pressure on the bones becomes either too severe or too sudden.


Gabe knew nothing of anatomy. Not the kind of anatomy you might learn on Orisis, at any rate. The how's and why's. The names of bones, the delicate way the human body is put together. Gabe was more in the business of cause and effect. What hurts. What breaks. What incapacitates. How to accomplish it.

Will's arm was twisted behind his back at an almost impossible angle. It actually didn't take much force at all: Gabe's grip on his thumb was not vice-like, but extremely effective.

The side of his face and the front of his body were pressed up against the bulkhead. Rough metal was probably biting at his cheek, but neither Will nor Gabe cared much about a scratched-up face, though for wholly different reasons.

"Let go'a me, you crazy bitch!"

"Shut the fuck up."

Gabe turned her hand, just a fraction of an inch. Will shut the fuck up. He was breathing heavily now, beads of perspiration appearing on his bald head. Gabe leaned in, putting her mouth less than an inch from Will's ear. It was dirty, the canal caked with wax, and did not change Gabe's perception of its owner, not even a little bit. It was an ear fit for a man like Will.

"Listen to me." She spoke lowly and calmly. Will stilled and listened.

"If you ever, ever, put your hands on me again? I will remove them. Dong ma?"

Will stirred and tried to yank his arm out of Gabe's grip, and she shoved him back against the wall.

"Oh, come off it," Will hissed, his voice slightly muffled due to the side of his mouth pressing against the wall. "You're walkin' 'round, wrigglin' that pì gu of yours at the whole gorram crew, you're just askin' f--"

Will howled.

"You're gonna break my ruttin' arm!"

"Remove. Them. Do we have an understandin'?" Gabe's teeth were bared now, and she turned her hand slightly with each barely composed word.

Will gasped in pain, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. The scar running down his face shone a bright red against his pale skin.

"Just... 'cause you been lettin'... the Man slip it to ya--"

Gabe braced the heel of her hand against Will's elbow and pushed while she pulled on his hand.

Crack. Ulna. Will screamed, the sound absorbed by the walls of the narrow corridor.

"Lemme make one thing perfectly straight," Gabe growled. "I ain't McMahon's doxy. I earn my keep on this here crew just like the rest'a ya. Just 'cause you been too busy playin' with yourself in your bunk to notice, don't make it not so. And you best take that to the bank, Will, or I'm gonna hurt you in ways that'll make right now seem like a day at the fair. Dong ma?"

She pulled again at Will's arm, making the fractured ends grind against each other. Will, beyond screaming now, just whimpered.

"... yes, yes, I understand..."


Gabe released his grip on Will's hand, and the man slid down the wall to his knees, cradling his broken arm. She looked down at him: this whimpering, pathetic excuse for a man. Her lip curled, and she hawked deeply and spat on him.

"You don't touch me. Ever."

And with that she turned and walked away, leaving him there, on his knees, with her spit trickling down his face together with his own tears of pain and anger.

She was beginning to get a really, really bad feeling about all this.